Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Relaxing Weekend

Today was a decent day. I spent like 3+ hours at the auto show. It was the first that I have ever been to. It was pretty cool, but then again I like cars so that makes sense. After, some friends and I went to Fourth St cookies. It's this famous cookie place in Philly. I had a white chocolate chip cookie. It was sure tasty! I've attempted to do homework during the day, but that has been an epic fail. I have really no motivation to any type of homework. This is only a slight problem. I did make a good dinner. Cheese ravioli with Alfredo sauce. Not anything like olive garden, but it got the job done. I have kind of realized that I am not a natural cook. I can't just throw stuff together and make a delicious meal. I have been practicing with very, very simple dishes in order to hopefully prepare me to make something great. The last couple of days have been kinda rough. Feeling quite homesick. I'm hoping once my internship starts time will fly by and soon I will be home! Still no interviews (just because the supervisors have not gotten back to my advisor). Hopefully this week I will have the interviews and find the perfect internship! In the mean time I plan to relax and explore some more. My apartment hasn't been as cold as usual which is a plus, but I still wear a hat at night with a heated blanket to be safe. Hopefully this makes for a relatively cheap electric bill! We do have wifi at home! That was super nice and extremely convenient. Yesterday we went to a potluck dinner at this Simple Way house. The people were extremely nice and welcoming there.

Low: Witnessing a young boy get lost from his parents at the car show.
High: The autoshow!

(I am unable to upload a picture for whatever reason) Sorry!

See you on the flip side,


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